September 2017
I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself as your child's
French teacher this year at Mountain View. I would also like to highlight some
valuable information I feel is important for you and your child throughout the
year, as well as he/she continues to be a life-long learner.
goals for your child this year:
• to develop a positive attitude towards learning
• to encourage active participation in all activities
with self-confidence and independence
• to foster a safe and supportive learning environment
• to provide learning opportunities that will allow your
child to strive to meet his/her potential
Being aware of the fact that children have different learning styles and learn
at different rates, I will modify the French program as needed, in order to
meet the needs and challenges of each student.
The emphasis in class is on being able to understand French vocabulary and
being able to communicate in French on a basic level. Daily
participation, completion of all assigned class work and regular review are
equally important to the success of the learner. My goal is for the students to
practice their oral, reading and writing skills in French during each
class. A positive attitude and respectable behaviour in the class go a
long way towards facilitating language learning.
Students have already begun completing work in their French Journal. Their
Journal is used to take notes, ask and answer questions, as well as to review a
dictation that is given to them once every two weeks. They are also encouraged
to complete bonus work (an additional sentence) in their journal to further
their knowledge and to raise their grade.
are some ideas for you to support your child at home, even if you don't speak
• ask them about their day
• let them teach you some French words
• have a look at their Journal
• look at cereal boxes, etc. and have your child show
which is French and identify words he/she knows
• visit the French section of your library
• watch a movie on your DVD player, but select the
French language
• watch a French TV show or listen to a French radio
• find some French websites to play games or hear words
• show your support for literacy in your first language
Be assured that my goal is to work with you to ensure the success of your child
this year. If you need further information, or would like to discuss your
child's progress, feel free to contact me at school. Thank-you for your
support and I look forward to working with you and your son or daughter this
school year.
M. Brent Colbourne